Hélène Cixous and the art of dreaming

My blog guest this month is Cecily Davey who discusses Hélène Cixous’s intriguing book of dream-writing Dream I Tell You. ‘Dreamoir’: Hélène Cixous and the Secrets of the Unconscious ‘They tell me their stories in their language, in the twilight, all alike or almost, half gentle half cruel, before any day, any hour. I don’t wake, the dream wakes me…’  Have  …

Tribute to Hélène Cixous

Hélène Cixous celebrated her 75th birthday in Paris recently. Here is my personal tribute to her extraordinary literary oeuvre. READING IN TANDEM: THE GIFTS OF H.C. Before reading, came looking. Before understanding, already such surprise. For instance: Partie. Where does the book begin? Does it have two beginnings? If it does, what happens to ending? And which of the two …